尋人信 箱  (We'll forward your email to our classmates)
個系聯絡網 (est. April 2004)

Alumni Directory


Privacy  Statement

本網站純粹為第十六屆畢業校友聯誼設立。無 政治宗教目地, 無商業動機, 無廣告, 無POP-UPs。東海大學第十六屆校友畢業三十週年團聚籌備會收集到的個人資料地址電話電郵,純粹用于本 團聚聯繫。不會將這些資料轉交任何機構

General Policy:

Photographs, Videos and Write Ups:

  1. The entire reunion event will be photographed, video taped, stored on compact disk (s) and distributed to the San Francisco reunion attendees.

  2. The PowerPoint slides with individual's pictures will be stored on compact disk (s) and distributed to the San Francisco reunion attendees only.

  3. A selection of reunion-related photographs, video clips as well as those personal write ups about their own life and family after the graduation; will be posted on the reunion website for others to share.  

Personal contact data, directory information

  1. For contact purposes, information of participating committee members are listed on the reunion website publicly.

  2. For other individual,  personal contact information (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number, address etc.) will NOT be disclosed on the website NOR be distributed in any electronic format. 

  3. All department reps have been advised that any circulations (such as email) of alumni group directory data are prohibited.

  4. Looking up alumni directory information requires a valid username/password; This password can be obtained by contacting

  5. Anyone seeking the contact information of a specific classmate may contact the designated department rep for such information. The department rep will execute his/her best judgment in disseminating such information, (e.g. by contacting the classmate whose information is being requested and obtaining his/her approval).

Any classmate who have concerns with the above should notify the department rep in advance or contact so that appropriate actions can be taken (e.g. pictures and/or personal information removed).

